20 positive ways of keeping mind happy

1-Always live in the present.Don,t think about future and the past.

2-Don,t be serious all time.

3-Avoid your negative thought.always keep your mind positive thought.

4-Don,t think about your work responsibility when you stayed at home and your family.

5-love yourself.

6-take some exercise every day.

7-In leisure time,spend time with your hobby.

8-Always care for others.it gives you more mental happiness.

9-Don,t compete others.it gives you desperation.

10-Always laugh with yourself and others.

11-Make new friend all time.and spend time with friends.

12-Good sleep can give you more and more happiness.

13-Always think of yourself that you are unique.

14- The creative mind is a full of happiness.So all time be creative.

15-Don,t be alone.Always talking with others.

16-Surround yourself with positive people.

17-Take deep breath when you stressed.

18-Always take care of your physical health.

19-Start your day by thinking of your GOD.who help you always.

20-Always eat what you make happy.


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